Grants Impact Patient Care Technology

Grants Impact Patient Care Technology

Technology in healthcare is ever changing and evolving on a daily, if not minute to minute basis. It’s hard to imagine the wide range of electronic devices and computer systems hospitals and medical clinics depend on. “IT (information technology) is crucial to patient...
For Your Health Winter 2021

For Your Health Winter 2021

Read the latest issue of For Your Health, our quarterly newsletter, and learn about: Nervous or Weary? Your Doctor Can Help If you’ve been feeling down or nervous lately and if you’re wondering if you should pursue therapy, your primary care provider can help. “Mild...
Improving Community Health

Improving Community Health

Marshall Foundation for Community Health supports the critical services that Marshall Medical Center provides, as well as other health programs available in our area. As a result of donations by philanthropic individuals and businesses, the foundation provided over...
39 years ago, Marshall Hospital Changed our Lives

39 years ago, Marshall Hospital Changed our Lives

Recently, my now adult son, Kurtis asked, “I’ve been wondering, why would you adopt someone like me, with all my problems and disabilities? I’ve been so much work for you.” Why, indeed, would someone adopt the most severely abused child to survive in the United States...
They Take Care of You, Help Us Take Care of Them

They Take Care of You, Help Us Take Care of Them

Over 700 Marshall Medical Center employees were evacuated by the Caldor Fire, and at least four of them lost their homes. Despite the uncertainty, heartbreak and the stress of the last few weeks, our local healthcare heroes came to work and cared for their patients....